Easter is coming

As I write this first blog post today, we are in the in between times of Easter and Good Friday…or what I like to call Holy Saturday.  We are just on the cusp of seeing Jesus resurrected but we are still in the sorrow of his crucifixion.  It is ironic that today is the first day that I have thought about getting my blog going. I am in the in between times myself.

So close but yet so far.

I am becoming a pastor and graduation is in sight.  It has been a long journey, seven years to be precise.  It has been almost a year since i have quit my job and have started doing ministry full time. A lot has changed.  A lot will change.  One of the things that has sort of hit me upside the head has been media.  I have been a huge video game and movie fan for most of my life and I think I have a calling to see how my faith affects or speaks about these things.

In the next couple of days and weeks, I hope to start exploring that in more detail in this blog.  So if this interests you I hope you come back and together we can journey and see how faith and media intersect.

Happy Easter

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